Using Git in the Real Life for Beginners 3
branch is the basic in the real-life work.
4.Branch Things
we are working on our branch, let’s learn more about branch.
in fact when we use Git, we are creating branch called master.
here is some command to create branch
git branch name // in local
git branch // check local branch
git branch -r // check remote branch
git branch -a// check all branches
delete local branch
when your branch has new file havenot been merged, use -D
, enable you to delete that branch by force;
when you use -d
, it will remind you that you have new file that you cannot delete it.
git branch -d name
git branch -D name // force
when you delte your local branch, and you wanna to delete your remote branch, use push
git push origin :name
or delete remote branch
git push origin --delete [branch-name]
git branch -dr [remote/branch]
fatal: ‘branch’ does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: Could not read from remote repository
Administrator@PC-1 MINGW64 /f/hugo/RileyCode (master)
$ git push origin :master
fatal: 'branch' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
Administrator@PC-1 MINGW64 /f/hugo/RileyCode (master)
$ git push origin --delete master
fatal: 'branch' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
First, check that your origin is set by running
git remote -v
This should show you all of the push / fetch remotes for the project.
Verify remote name / address
If this returns showing that you have remotes set, check that the name of the remote matches the remote you are using in your commands.
Administrator@PC-1 MINGW64 /f/hugo/RileyCode (master)
$ git remote -v
main (fetch)
main (push)
origin branch (fetch)
origin branch (push)
Administrator@PC-1 MINGW64 /f/hugo/RileyCode (master)
$ git push main --delete master
- [deleted] master
oh, by the way, you cannot rename your branch.
checkout: you want to swifch to another branch
git checkout name
you want to create a new branch, and swifch to that new one
this new branch base on current branch
git checkout -b newName
☕ ———-☕
Don’t forget to connet your local branch with the remote one:
$ git branch --set-upstream [branch] [remote-branch]
base on commit history create a branch
git checkout <commit> -b newName
Now it’s time for you to merge your branch with master.
git merge newName
There are two models for merging, but we don’t need to choose, git will decide it for us. However, we still need to know the difference.
- Fast-Forward
When the commit of the master branch is your parent of your lastest commit,
In the other way, your coworker has not commit anything yet to the master branch since last time you commit or fetch/pull from it (luck!!!).
- Recursive Stratege Merge
But in the real life, this heppens a lot, considering it is a team project
So the git would new a commit, point to respectly two branches.
Oh, bytheway, it’s quite often get an CONFLICT in branch merge. Nothing to worry about.
So everytime before you push to the remote branch, it’s better fetch/pull from remote first. So what’s the difference between “fetch” and “pull”
My suggestion is use git fetch:
git fetch orign master
It downloads conetend from a remote branch without modifying your local state.
git pull origin master
It likes git fetch + git merge, would modifying your file.