learning System design as a landscape architect 3

Tue, Mar 1, 2022 3-minute read

Rethink system design in a much fun way, as a former urban planner/landscape planner. Take User System as example

User System

1. what’s is the scenario planning of this project

A system allow users to regest, login, query, modify their information.

we need consider the query qps.

assume this system support 100 M DAO

  1. regest + login + modify QPS
  • 100 M * 0.1 / 86400 = 100
  • 0.1 = every user regest + login + modify per day
  • Peak = 100 * 3 = 300
  1. query QPS
  • 100 M * 100 / 86400 = 100 K
  • 100 = every user query per day (check friends, update message page, sent message)
  • Peak = 100 k* 3 = 300 k
  1. Analyzing user system service (zoning function)
  • AuthenticationServer: regest, login
  • UserService: user information storage and query
  • FriendService: store friend relate information

  • MySQL / PosgreSQL :1k QPS

  • MongoDB / Cassandra NoSQL :10k QPS

  • Redis / Memcached : 100k ~ 1m QPS

UserSystem is system read heavy and write less frequently, use Cache can

  1. Demand disassembly shops:
  • register for sales on
  • set up detail information


  • flash sale page
  • buy
  • order
  • pay

Memcached to improve DB query


A: database.set(user); cache.set(key, user);
B: database.set(user); cache.delete(key);
C: cache.set(key, user); database.set(user);


database.set(key, user);cache.delete(key)

User system is heavily Read System, INCONSISTENT Occurrence probabilities much lower than cache.delete + db.set

Furthurmore, Use Cache ttl mechanism

Set a short valid time, such as 7 days. Then even if there is a data inconsistency at a very low probability, it will be inconsistent for up to 7 days.

It means we allow the database and cache to be inconsistent “for a short time”, but will eventually be consistent.

Cache Aside (more frequently used)

DB <—> Web Server <–> Cache

Cache Through

Web Server <—> DB <–> Cache

2 Service

2.1 Authentication Service

  • session
  • cookie

2.2 Friendship Service

directed relationship

Twitter, Instagram

store data in SQL DB

Friendship Table

from_user_id    Foreign key  user
to_user_id      Foreign key  followee
  • get all followees of X

select * from friendship where from_user_id=x

  • get all followers of X

select * from friendship where to_user_id=x

store data in NoSQL DB

take Cassandra as an example

3 layer NoSQL DB Table

  1. row_key: Hash key or Partition Key
  2. column_key
    • insert(row_key, column_key, value)
    • column_key can be sorted
    • query(row_key, column_start, column_end)
    • column_key can be complex type, timestamp + user_id
  3. value: serialize data store into value

how Cassandra store friendship table

Cassandra key = row_key + column_key

row_key user_id 1 –> column_key <friend_user_id2> –> value <is_mutual_friend, is_blocked, timestamp> . | . –> column_key <friend_user_id3>–> value <is_mutual_friend, is_blocked, timestamp>

row_key user_id 2 –> column_key <friend_user_id1> –> value <is_mutual_friend, is_blocked, timestamp>

how Cassandra store NewsFeed

row_key owner_id 1 –> column_key <created_at_1, tweet_id1> –> value <tweet_data1> | . –> column_key <created_at_2, tweet_id2> –> value <tweet_data2>

SQL VS Nosql

SQL –> Transaction

SQL –> structured data, index

NoSQL –> Distributed, Auto_scale, Replica

more frequently, User Table would be saved in SQL : multi-index

Friendship Table would be saved in NoSQL : more efficient for querying

But if we use Cassandra to store User, find users by email address or phone numberers

  • save User information in UserTable
    • Redis: Key = user_id, value = user information
    • Cassandra
      • row_key = user_id
      • column_key
      • value
  • create other tables as index
    • Redis: Key = email/phone/username, value = user_id
    • Cassandra
      • row_key = email/phone/username
      • column_key
      • value

how to find Mutual Friends between A and B

  • find A’s friends list

  • find B’s friends list

  • get their intersection


use Cache, save their list in Cache