learning System design as a landscape architect 2
Rethink system design in a much fun way, as a former urban planner/landscape planner. Take Flash Sale as example
- what’s is the <strong>scenario</strong> planning of this project
- Service
- select database for each service
- design schema
- data flow
- Limited Time Offer
Flash Sale –
1. what’s is the scenario planning of this project
1000 people were coming to the site per second, but there will be 100 k people when an attractive limited-time offer include a big discount.
QPS then increased by 100
- Analyzing flash sale Problems
- Large flow and high concurrency
- Over sale
- Malicious ticked grab
- fixed schedule
- Purchase limit
- Demand disassembly shops:
- register for sales on
- set up detail information
- flash sale page
- buy
- order
- pay
2.1 Service
- limited time pomotion Service + database
- Commodity info & Stock service + database
- Order Service + database
- Payment Service + database
2.2 select database for each service
2.3 design schema
commodity_id name desc price
11 iphone xxxxx 5999
stock_id commodity_id event_id stock lock
1 11 0 300 0
2 11 30 10 5
flashSale_id flashSale_name commodity_id price number
30 xxxx 189 4000 100
order_id flashSale_id commodity_id user_id paid
30 30 189 jack 1
Indexing can dramatically increase query speed
2.4 data flow
–select –> commodity_info
|—-insert –> stock_info
|–select –> flashSale_info
–select –> flashSale_info
–> commodity_info
–> stock_info
|—-insert –> order_info
|–update –> stock_info
2.5 Limited Time Offer
deduct a quantity from a database
SELECT stock FROM `stock_info`
WHERE commodity_id = 11 AND flashSale_id = 30;
UPDATE `stock_info` SET stock = stock - 1
WHERE commodity_id = 11 AND flashSale_id = 30;
solve oversale problem
transaction database and lock (slow)
- Start Transcation
- add lock
SELECT stock FROM `stock_info`
WHERE commodity_id = 11 AND flashSale_id = 30 FOR UPDATE;
- deducted
UPDATE `stock_info` SET stock = stock - 1
WHERE commodity_id = 11 AND flashSale_id = 30;
- commit
UPDATE lock the row (recommend)
- add lock
SELECT stock FROM `stock_info`
WHERE commodity_id = 11 AND flashSale_id = 30;
- deducted
UPDATE `stock_info` SET stock = stock - 1
WHERE commodity_id = 11 AND flashSale_id = 30 AND stock > 0;
how about too many concurrent connections cause mysql crash
On average, a mysql web server can handle 1000 requests per second but a single point of Redis can support 100,000 QPS. Consider loading stock information into Redis. update quantity directly through Redis
before the event begin,
–> read from mysql flashSale_info
–>`add in Redis
SET flashSale:30:commodity:11:stock 10
SET KEY(flashSale:30:commodity:11:stock) VALUE (10)
deduct quantity through Redis
data flow:
–> read from redis –> stock > 0 – NO – > the end of event
–> read from redis –> stock > 0 – YES – > stock - 1 (redis) –> lock the quentity, create order –> pay –> stock -1
GET flashSale:30:commodity:11:stock
DECR flashSale:30:commodity:11:stock
Most requests are blocked by Redis.
For example, if there are only 100 iPhones, then The volume of requests to MySQL is theoretically 100.
over sale problem
Lua: check-and-set
the limited time traffic is still too much for mysql, sell 100000
Message Queue for the Peak Clipping
deduct quantity timing
Lock the stock after placing the order, and reduce the quantity after the payment is successful
Limit Orders Per Customer
Redis data verification
—-> check user id in Redis set or not
—-YES–> fail to buy
. |
. |- –> deduct quantity
–> add user id in Redis set
. |—-> order, pay
. |–> success?
. |-NO-> delete user id in Redis set
Data consistency for payments and destocking
Distributed transaction