JavaScript ro react
Tue, Jul 12, 2022
3-minute read
from fundamental JavaScript to React
Callback Functions
using promises is to prevent callback hell. With Promises, we may write asynchronous code in a synchronous manner.
const myPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
<a id="markdown-const-mypromise-%3D-new-promiseresolve%2C-reject-%3D%3E-%7B" name="const-mypromise-%3D-new-promiseresolve%2C-reject-%3D%3E-%7B"></a>
// condition
encapsulate our data in some HTML
let users = [
{ firstName: "Susan", lastName: "Steward", age: 14, hobby: "Singing" },
{ firstName: "Daniel", lastName: "Longbottom", age: 16, hobby: "Football" },
{ firstName: "Jacob", lastName: "Black", age: 15, hobby: "Singing" }
using map and modify it’s output.
let singleUser =>{
//let's add the firstname and lastname together
let fullName = user.firstName + ' ' + user.lastName;
return `
<h3 class='name'>${fullName}</h3>
<p class="age">${user.age}</p>
Filter() and Find()
let users = [
{ firstName: "Susan", age: 14 },
{ firstName: "Daniel", age: 16 },
{ firstName: "Bruno", age: 56 },
{ firstName: "Jacob", age: 15 },
{ firstName: "Sam", age: 64 },
{ firstName: "Dave", age: 56 },
<a id="markdown-%7B-firstname%3A-%22dave%22%2C-age%3A-56-%7D%2C" name="%7B-firstname%3A-%22dave%22%2C-age%3A-56-%7D%2C"></a>
{ firstName: "Neils", age: 65 }
// for young people
const youngPeople = users.filter((person) => {
return person.age <= 15;
//for senior people
const seniorPeople = users.filter((person) => person.age >= 50);
const Bruno = users.find((person) => person.firstName === "Bruno");
Destructuring Arrays
let fruits= ["Mango", "Pineapple" , "Orange", "Lemon", "Apple"];
let fruit1 = fruits[0];
let fruit2 = fruits[1];
let fruit3 = fruits[2];
console.log(fruit1, fruit2, fruit3); //"Mango" "Pineapple" "Orange"
Destructuring Arrays
let [fruit1, fruit2 , fruit3] = fruits;
console.log(fruit1, fruit2, fruit3); //"Mango" "Pineapple" "Orange"
skip data
const [fruit1 ,,,, fruit5]= fruits; // print the first and final fruits
const [,fruit2 ,, fruit4,] = fruits; //the second and fourth
Destructuring Objects
const Susan = {
firstName: "Susan",
lastName: "Steward",
age: 14,
hobbies: {
hobby1: "singing",
hobby2: "dancing"
const firstName = Susan.firstName;
const age = Susan.age;
const hobby1 = Susan.hobbies.hobby1;
console.log(firstName, age, hobby1); //"Susan" 14 "singing"
const {firstName, age, hobbies:{hobby1}} = Susan;
console.log(firstName, age, hobby1); //"Susan" 14 "singing"
use a function
function individualData({firstName, age, hobbies:{hobby1}}){
console.log(firstName, age, hobby1); //"Susan" 14 "singing"
let fruits= ["Mango", "Pineapple" , "Orange", "Lemon", "Apple"];
const [firstFruit, secondFruit,] = fruits
const chosenFruit = rest.find((fruit) => fruit === "Apple");
console.log(`This is an ${chosenFruit}`); //"This is an Apple"
let pets= ["cat", "dog" , "rabbits"];
let carnivorous = ["lion", "wolf", "leopard", "tiger"];
let animals = [pets, carnivorous];
console.log(animals); //[["cat", "dog" , "rabbits"], ["lion", "wolf", "leopard", "tiger"]]
let animals = [...pets, ...carnivorous];
console.log(animals); //["cat", "dog" , "rabbits", "lion", "wolf", "leopard", "tiger"]
let category =>animal.category);
console.log(category); //["carnivore" , "pet" , "pet" , "carnivore"]
//wrap your iteration in the set method like this
let category = [ Set(>animal.category))];
console.log(category); ////["carnivore" , "pet"]