BankAccount java project
Sat, Nov 23, 2019
One-minute read
Use java to realize a simple Customer Account project.
- set three package: bean/ service/ ui
Customer class
private String name;
private char gender;
private int age;
private String phone;
private String email;
add a test to check those methods
CustomerList class
+ Customer[] customers
+ int total = 0
- constructors && methods:
- public CustomerList(int totalCustomer)
- public boolean addCustomer(Customer customer)
- public boolean replaceCustomer(int index, Customer cust)
- public boolean deleteCustomer(int index)
- public Customer[] getAllCustomers()
- public Customer getCustomer(int index)
- public int getTotal()
CustomerView class
public void enterMainMenu()
private void addNewCustomer()
private void modifyCustomer()
private void deleteCustomer()
private void listAllCustomers()
public static void main(String[] args)